Create refund
In order to call this endpoint your token must have write_refunds
Unqiue client generated UUID of the refund
id of the payment intent
Transaction amount. Values must be passed in the base units of their currency. For example, $10.50 should be provided as 1050
Currency code of the amount to charge. This should be a 3-letter ISO-4217 currency code. For example, if you wish to charge 10 AED, you should pass AED. For more information on supported currencies, please visit the supported currencies page
Whether to create a test payment. Test payments do not require a payment method and can be used to test the payment flow. You won't be charged for this call
Id of the refund
id of the payment intent
Transaction amount. Values must be passed in the base units of their currency. For example, $10.50 should be provided as 1050
Currency code of the amount to charge. This should be a 3-letter ISO-4217 currency code. For example, if you wish to charge 10 AED, you should pass AED. For more information on supported currencies, please visit the supported currencies page
, completed
, failed
Unix timestamp
Optional error
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