This page is intended for developers. If you aren’t one then you might want to visit Shopify or WooCommerce integration pages

If your website isn’t built with Shopify or WooCommerce you can create a custom integration with Ziina. In order to do that first you need to get access token. All Ziina APIs require an access token to accept requests. Ziina uses the bearer authentication strategy to authenticate API calls.

Requesting an access token

  1. Click here to generate your access token.
  2. Select ‘Other builder or custom’ and enter your phone number, OTP, and email.
  3. Your access token will be generated instantly. Save it securely—this is the only time it will be displayed.

Authenticating API calls

To authenticate your API calls, be sure to include a header with every request of the following format:
Authorization: Bearer <access token>

Call Ziina API

With access token you can now call Ziina API. In order to start accepting payments you need to create payment intent.
Go to API Reference page for more available endpoints.

Need help?

If you have questions, visit our help center or contact us at