Supported currencies
Ziina currently supports accepting payments in multiple currencies to allow customers to pay you in their native currency. Ziina will convert the payment to AED at the time of payment using real time currency exchange rates and settle into your wallet.
Selecting a currency
You can charge your customers in any of our supported currencies by passing the currencies corresponding currency code when creating a Payment Intent. Amount values must be passed in the base units of their currency. For example, $10.50 should be provided as 1050
Supported currencies
The *
indicates three-decimal currencies as described below.
Currency | Currency Code |
United Arab Emirates Dirham | AED |
Bahrain Dinar * | BHD |
Euro Member Countries | EUR |
United Kingdom Pound | GBP |
Indian Rupee | INR |
Kuwait Dinar * | KWD |
Oman Rial * | OMR |
Qatar Rial | QAR |
Saudi Arabia Riyal | SAR |
United States Dollar | USD |
Three-decimal currencies
Ziina supports three decimal currencies, such as BHD, KWD, and OMR. However, in order to ensure compatibility with our partners, amounts for these currencies need to be rounded to the nearest ten. For example, 1.234 OMR must be rounded to 1.230 or 1.240.