
This page will get you started accepting payments with Ziina on your WooCommerce website.

Check if you have WooCommerce or WordPress

Open your store website, and check the side bar. If WooCommerce appears as shown in the screenshot below, continue following the steps in this guide. If it doesn't, navigate to this guide and follow the steps.

Creating a Ziina Account and Getting your API key

Click on this link, select WooCommerce and enter your phone number, OTP and email. You will immediately get access to your API key. This is the only time you’ll see it, so make sure you store it somewhere safe.

If you don't already have a Ziina account your integration won't work until you download the app and complete your onboarding process (it takes 4 minutes).

Download the Ziina App and Complete Onboarding

Download the Ziina App on your phone, click on Ziina Professional, enter your phone number and complete the onboarding steps (you will need your Emirates ID).

You won't be able to receive payments on your website until this step is completed and your account is verified.

Installing the Ziina Plugin

  1. Log in to your WordPress site
  2. In the left sidebar, hover over Plugins and then click Add New

  1. Enter "Ziina" in the search bar and click Install Now to install the plugin.

Configuring the Ziina plugin

  1. Click on WooCommerce in the left sidebar and click on Settings.

  1. Select Payments at the top of the page.

  1. Ensure Ziina is enabled in the list of payment options.

  1. Enter your API key in the field API key.

  1. You can also change the Title and Description of the Ziina payment option. The title you enter is what appears on your website for your customers. Let them know they can use this payment option to pay by credit/debit card, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.
  2. Click Save Changes and you’re done!

Completing a Test Transaction

To test a transaction, check the box in Ziina payment settings titled Test mode.

You can now test the payment flow, and your card will not be charged. Be sure to uncheck this box before making your site live