
This page will get you started accepting payments with Ziina on your Wix website.

Getting started is a breeze, and we're here to guide you every step of the way. In just 1 minute, you'll be up and running. Follow the simple instructions below, and you'll be ready to process payments in no time.

Integrating Ziina on your Wix website

  1. Head over to your Wix website dashboard.
  2. In the left sidebar, click Settings.
  3. Select Accept Payments.
  1. Click See More Payment Options in the bottom left.
  1. You will see the option for Ziina in the list. Click Connect.
  1. Click Create Ziina account or head over to this link to generate your API key. You will only see it once so make sure to store it safely.
  1. Follow the instructions to sign in, and then copy your API key and paste it into the field API Key in your Wix dashboard.
  1. Scroll down and click Connect.
  2. On the next screen, be sure to click Manage next to the Ziina option and make sure Accepting payments is enabled for both Credit/Debit cards and Ziina.
  1. Download the Ziina app on your phone click on Ziina Professional, enter your phone number and complete the onboarding steps (you will need your Emirates ID).

    ❗ You won't be able to receive payments on your website until you complete all the onboarding steps and your account is verified.

You're all set! Track all your payments from your Wix website from your phone on your Ziina app 💸